Saturday 26 January 2008

I've made no cards all week-just been coming home from work and falling into bed. The doctor wants to run a load of blood tests, but I think its just fallout from the car accident I had last week.
My littlest sis gave me her cards list this week though so I've done the 2 most important ones for her

Isn't the little tiger cute? He's in set from Dewdrop Craftz, so expect to see more zoo themed cards from me!

A bella card for my sis's friend ,I love the colours on this one!

I may sneak in a couple more cards tomorrow-but I should spend the day starting to make the curtains for the living room. Got some bargain fabric £1.69 a metre! and I love it, thought it would be nasty quality for that but its gorgeous. I'm also going to attempt to interline them, its the coldest room in the house for some reason, so thought it might help-any advice greatly appreciated!!!!

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